
Design a robot vacuum cleaner which is capable of sucking up debris from the floor!

Design contraints

These design goals must be met:

  • able to suck up debris from the corners of a room
  • know when it is not on the ground
  • avoid falling down stairs or ledges

You do not have to consider:

  • the charging of the robot
  • how it will return to it's charging dock


  1. Create a diagram to map out all of your robots electrical components.
  2. Create a separate list to list out the considerations which need to be made for each electrical and mechanical component chosen. For example if a motor is used, how will the motor be mounted?
  3. Create a flow chart to descirbe how your robot's code will function.

Design your diagrams to act as a reference for yourself in the future. It only has to be as verbose as the content before Activity I. However, you will not be discouraged from making a more detailed diagram from your own knowledge and Google, as long as you are able to answer questions related to your diagram.